Video – The Fundamentals

This video provides a quick walk-through of the interface and gestures for creating and managing your cells in Numerously.

Numerously lets you create multiple documents. Each document is made up of a stack fo cells, with each cell having a unique title, can hold a number or an expression, can be assigned colours, and hold other settings and notes.

Several common methods creating cells

  • Tap the PLUS icon

  • At top of stack, scroll down to add a new cell to top

  • Pinch out on two cells to create a new one in between

  • Swipe-right on a cell to create an instant-cell that goes straight to value input

  • Swipe-right, tap duplicate icon to make a copy of the current cell below the original

    • Duplicate titles are automatically given an incremental suffix

Managing cells

  • Swipe-left to delete a cell

  • Tap-hold until haptic feedback allows moving and repositioning the cell

    • Even if sorting modes are enabled, the tap-hold will switch back to free sorting mode to allow you optimal freedom

Chris Cheung